Lisa, Expanded Functions Dental Assistant (EFDA)

“I enjoy being able to help make a patient feel at ease and change the way they feel being at the dentist”

Lisa is our very own Rensselaer townie – having grown up here, she understands the community we have here and loves everyone’s willingness to be giving and kind. She went on to Indianapolis to further her education and got her expanded functions dental certificate at IUPUI in 2012. Shortly after, Lisa got married to her high school sweetheart and now has two beautiful girls. She enjoys spending as much time as she can with her family. especially outdoors and having Super Hero Saturday.

Hometown: Rensselaer, IN

Fun Fact: Lived in Hawaii from ages 1-4 because her parents were dental technicians in the Navy

Favorite Activity: volleyball, family walks, and eating good sushi

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